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Working in the Office

Intense hours spent at computers and meetings result in:  

  • Muscle Strain and Pain (Musculoskeletal Disorders)

  • Visual Fatigue

  • Mental Stress

which erode employee’s energy and productivity

Display Screen Equipment and
Work Station Evaluation

  • Identification of musculo-sketal problems and visual probems

  • Risk assessment to identify hazards

  • A checklist is completed

  • Task Analysis analysing job, design, nature and pace of task

  • Activity analysis

  • Organisational analysis - analysing workloads, working patterns, provision of breaks, training and information

  • Analysis of workstation

Good posture in the Workplace can be aquired by adjustment of the following:

  • Chair

  • Desk

  • Monitor

  • Keyboard

  • Mouse

  • Software

  • Environment - lighting/glare, noise and air temperature

  • Accessories - document holder, footrest, monitor stand, headset phone


  • Risks are identified and assessed

  • Controls set in place

  • Report issued

  • Wellness program

Work Smarter Not Harder

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