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Benefits of Ergonomist

Intense hours spent at computers and meetings result in:  

  • Muscle Strain and Pain (Musculoskeletal Disorders)

  • Visual Fatigue

  • Mental Stress

which erode employee’s energy and productivity

The benefits of what an Ergonomist can do for your company:

  • Identifying Musculoskeletal disorders and arm injuries and prevention of their occurrence

  • Provide a Display Screen Equipment Evaluation and Work Station Assessment.

  • Provide a Risk Assessment and identify risks by means of a checklist.

  • Put in place controls and corrections

  • Provide a Task Analysis of the work day.

  • Encourage movement at desk, micro/macro breaks, crazy breaks

  • Encourage sit/stand desks for movement

  • Make sure that office design and work spaces meet the needs of the work

  • These solutions will ensure the efficiency of the work place

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