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Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

Stress …Key link between Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), Migraine and Insomnia

Medscape Batya Swift Yasgur MA LSW

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), is a condition involving eye problems resulting from excessive screen time with digital devices. It is significantly associated with both insomnia and migraine. New research suggests that stress is a central mediating factor.

Preventative Measures

· Ensure that you have the correct lighting in place. Neither too bright or too dim.

· Use multiple light sources. Adjust the light to suit the task that you are completing.

· Use adjustable screen lamps. Don't rely on your ceiling bulbs.

· Adjust the screen brightness to the room lighting

· Use screen filters

· Practice good Ergonomics

· Reduce screen time

· Take regular breaks when at the computer

· Make sure to hydrate regularly

Prolonged use of digital devices can lead to:

· Itching

· Blurred vision

· Double vision

· Eye pain

· Headache

· Backache

· Neck and shoulder pain

· Numbness in hands and fingers

· Insomnia … blue light from computer can interfere with circadian rhythms

Stress is another trigger for migraine attacks. Stressful life events can induce insomnia

CVS and higher stress were significantly associated with higher odds of having migraine

Utilisation of computer just before going to bed while experiencing stressful life events is associated with insomnia

Ideally screen headaches should be treated non pharmacologically with preventative measures such as wearing of blue light filtering when using the computer screen.

Poor posture at the computer can activate trigger points in the neck and shoulder muscles that can trigger migraine

The worse the stress the more likely the CVS will be linked to migraine

One should limit screen time especially before going to bed, and use blue light filtering glasses to prevent CVS from causing migraine attacks

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